Daniel 7:9-10, 7:13-14
As I watched, thrones were set in place, and an Ancient One took his throne, his clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was fiery flames, and its wheels were burning fire. A stream of fire issued and flowed out from his presence. A thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood attending him. The court sat in judgment, and the books were opened. As I watched in the night visions, I saw one like a human being coming with the clouds of heaven. And he came to the Ancient One and was presented before him. To him was given dominion and glory and kingship, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, and his kingship is one that shall never be destroyed.
I will continue to attend my Episcopal Church in conjunction with my new Catholic parish as each offers wonderful ways to engage in the body and communion of Christ - through bible studies, the sacraments, community and prayer.

I grew up Episcopalian and Presbyterian. My father was Presbyterian, with my mother's family having strong roots in the Anglican tradition. Growing up I was taught to respect all denominations and I believe God works through various denominations for His Glory. I am drawn to the Anglo-Catholic tradition because I find I discover Christ's presence fully when I receive the sacraments. I find the beauty and wonder and SPIRIT of Christ in the Eucharist. It is more than a mere memorial of an historical event, the Eucharist is a partaking in our own need for Christ's wholeness to fill the dark spaces of our life - body, mind and soul with HIS life. In receiving communion, I believe we receive Christ - His real presence - and in communion He pours forth His mercy and grace, hope and fortitude in our hearts and sanctifies us - in sanctifying us we are able to let go and Let God...we are made aware of the parts of our soul that are injured and are in repair. The Holy Spirit speaks to us in the receiving of bread and wine - in receiving Christ our cup over flows and we long to share the bread of Christ with others.
The Mass is an all encompassing prayer of petition, gratitude, glory and praise - at the heart of the Eucharist we humble ourselves submitting our flesh to God, being willing to love our neighbor and give up ourselves to the service of God...in humbly approaching His table - we are renewed, transformed and kindled in SPIRIT to be our best selves through Christ, to go forth and break bread with others; be it spiritually through forgiveness and acts of mercy, or perhaps physically feeding and clothing those in need, preparing a meal for the sick and consoling the brokenhearted. Christ is with us and the Eucharist feeds us body, mind, soul in the gift of HIS grace.
I don't think getting into the theological discussion of does the bread and wine physically or spiritually become Christ matters. Men fought wars over this - but in truth all that matters is we accept this is a Holy Mystery - a great grace that God is with us and in the act of Communion - God in Christ - feeds us, consoles us, forgives us, makes us clean and invites us to His banquet table - not as slaves but as heirs to His kingdom.
Sunday 11/22 is the Feast of Christ the King. It is an interesting paradox how easy it is to separate our true belief that Christ is King of the Universe, while also failing to recognize His kingdom among us. I know I struggle in negotiating how Christ the King, while King of Heaven at times seems absent or silent in times of trial. I think of the Paris terrorism...and yet I have no doubt that Christ is all good, all loving and pure light. Every time I broach this topic I am left with questions - and also peace...Christ does not operate as the kings of this world. God is the Creator of the earth and all the universe...anything that is darkness comes from our choice to separate ourselves from God's light - this is by the law of free will.
Free will is something God takes seriously - God could be a king that conquers and forces submission - yet what person who is not enslaved and given no hope won't submit to that rule? What relationship is there if God is merely a king and we are subjects who his rules over like a tyrant. God has every right to do so and any worldly power would seize that right, but Christ's ways are higher than our ways. Christ wants us to write His law on our hearts. Christ is a king who wants to serve his creation for His Love created it. He does not want to force His Love on us and yet we are complete and isolated without God - we cannot function body, mind, soul - eternally or temporally without God. So even when we turn away from God, he is at work - testing us in ways that refine and hoping judgment will show human hearts the power of His love and the need to willingly submit to God.
It is easy to question - WHY - didn't Jesus show HIS power as God in tearing down the principalities that sought his life as he dragged His cross to cavalry. The truth is like a canyon, deep and treacherous at first and yet at sunrise the colors come to life and the river flows, slowing breaking down the rock...I use this example because the obvious answer and arguably most important one is that Christ as a sinless man died to save us from sin and to rectify the law. This is a glorious truth and we must never forget God's great love and humility in this sacrifice of salvation...
The mystery and wonder of Christ's death as king however is full of infinite graces of revelations as we delve deeper into the soul by the lantern light of the Holy Spirit.
Evil exists in this world by the order of rebellion against God in the act of free will and darkness on this realm, though it will never overcome God's life - it is part of the human experience. Jesus taking on the Christ reminds us of our need for God, our fallen nature and the pain of absence of HIM in our lives...the cross is an example of showing us how we must keep our eyes set on God's goodness even when evil seems to win the battle - we might have to persevere through dark spaces - but if we walk with the light of Christ in our hearts we will not lose our souls by the darkness of this world.
Jesus overcoming his enemies by fire and brimstone as an earthly king of power - would have only been a temporary solution to a perpetual problem of the world - the remedy of evil and the need for salvation. Christ could have triumphed by starting an army and overthrowing Rome and yet the same patterns would arise by the evil of the choice of separation from God. Such an act of kingsmanship - though a sign of honor and power in the world would do nothing to save our souls and the decay of life would continue without true salvation.
John 18:33-37
Then Pilate entered the headquarters again, summoned Jesus, and asked him, "Are you the King of the Jews?" Jesus answered, "Do you ask this on your own, or did others tell you about me?" Pilate replied, "I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests have handed you over to me. What have you done?" Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here." Pilate asked him, "So you are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice."
As I dig deeper into my soul, the Holy Spirit forces me to open my perception and reconcile my viewpoint from the restraining view of the world vision to the infinite light of God's vision. We are creatures of habit and so often it is easier to fail to recognize God's grace because it is not the way of the world...when we pray for help for a temporal want and we push back an eternal need from God - we fail to recognize our King in action. Even in dark spaces God is with us in Christ...and we are called to be kingdom builders in this world as well as heaven.
Christ telling Pilate: "My kingdom is not of this world..." He does not mean that the world is so crude and dark - he does not concern Himself with earthly matters - Christ is always at work in the world and yet HE is not leading us by the rules of the world, but we are led by a power so strong and full of light it is blinding to those who are attached to worldly power and possessions. Pilate could not fathom the greatness of God outside of the power plays and killings and tortures of the Roman Empire and worldly institutions. Christ's power is so strong it does not need to wield its arm with deceit, but leads with TRUTH.
As we approach the end of the liturgical year - we need to delve into our hearts, souls, and minds and ask Christ to be our king - follow HIS example - ask what He calls you to do? How can we build Christ's kingdom on earth.
I think Grace and Truth are two important beacons we need to constantly walk towards:
Christ wants us to build a kingdom on love and in love we love our neighbors as ourselves - but in loving ourselves we need to submit to the way God loves us - detaching from unworthiness, fear, self-hate, jealousy, greed and selfishness...when we love ourselves as Christ loves us we are imbued with the gifts of charity, perseverance, humility...we are active agents for change not by war and power plays - but through the light of love.
In time Christ will bring all things under HIS kingdom and His submission - we however are not called to isolate ourselves and pridefully wave the flag of being saved until Christ comes in glory to judge the world - Christ wants us to get our hands in the dirt and plant seeds of love and hope and mercy. He wants us to see the value of every life and work towards COMMUNION with all creation driven not by the flesh, but the Orders of our KING - Christ.
Even when we walk through the fires of hell, God is with us, Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega and while our King is one who serves and rules by grace and love - we can never forget the power of God and Christ's glory - In Christ all things are possible - if we were to comprehend God's power we would be blinded - it is that great - so we cannot fear in doing the tasks our King calls us to - for if Christ is with us we have the entire breath of the universe working for us...even in dark spaces there is a light in our hearts - the light of communion with our King...and our king has adopted us not as slaves but as children...heirs of the kingdom of heaven.