September 29th marks the Feast Day of Archangels St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael. God's heavenly hosts help lead HIS creation in closer relationship with God and each other. Angels are heaven-sent messengers who do God's will and offer protection, light and love from heaven.
We must never forget to THANK God for sending us angels to help us, protect us and watch over us in our daily lives and work.
St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael each hold a place in my heart - their light and healing in times of trouble ignites the fire of holy hope to lean in closer to God in faith than latch onto fear of dark places. Each angel is endowed with a unique gift I believe to help fulfill God's purpose and guide us closer to His creation. Angels are meant to lead us closer to Christ and assist us in summoning our inner strength from the Holy Spirit to do God's work in the world. Angels are ever close even if we cannot see them; when we need angelic support - we need only ask God for help and he will never fail to sent HIS loving support from heaven.
Today I want to focus on one of my Patron Saints, Saint Michael, the Archangel.
Michael means "Who is like to God?" When the rebellion of satan broke out in heaven St. Michael remained steadfast and loyal to God. "Who is like to God is said to be the warcry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven.
Revelation 12:7-8
Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.
Michael comes as an aid the prophet Daniel during his captivity- "The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days, but Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I was left there with the kings of Persia..."
Michael is considered the 'prince of the heavenly host, a chief prince of the angels, helping to ensure that God's will is done and HIS kingdom is defended.
St. Michael is always here for us as a protection against the devil. St. Michael is God's special defense leader and is constantly at work to help fight darkness in the world. Michael always does God's will and while Michael has the strength through God at this moment to tear down the walls of the enemy and destroy that evil, by the blood of Christ and God's awesome power, Michael is loyal and humble before God waiting until God proclaims the time of the judgment. Praying to God for St. Michael's intercession is a powerful defense against all of the enemies tactics.
Why is Michael my Patron Saint? In this life I have face a lot of desperate circumstances and St. Michael and all God's angels have intervened more than once - the most recently was when I was held up at gunpoint. Several nights before I had a nightmare about guns and gang activity and St. Michael was in the dream...the dream was complex - but a warning - God is always protecting us but there is evil in the world and be vigilant.
About seven hours before the robbery, I had an intuition "you are in danger - pray the St. Michael Chaplet now!" The intuition was so strong that I nearly fell to my knees - it was a strong reaction. I continued to have the ominous feeling all afternoon, including during church when I lit a candle for protection during Prayers of the People.
After church we decided to do dinner and a movie. I had another strong intuition right after the previews: Pray to St. Michael for protection.
Right after leaving the movie - my mom and I were held up at gunpoint by at least five armed robbers and they inexplicably seemed frozen in place, I gave them my purse - and THANK God they got spooked and ran like lightning - All that I had in my purse were prayer cards as I had just been to church. I know St. Michael, The Virgin Mary and GOD were in high alert action.
I will continue to blog this week about St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael and how angels light our steps, leading us closer to Christ.
St. Michael Prayer - say daily
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, oh prince of the heavenly hosts.
By the power of God cast into hell satan and all evil spirits that wander the earth seeking the ruin of souls.
Link to Chaplet of St. Michael - I say this daily - it asks all the heavenly host of God to protect us!