I cry out to you from the depths of my soul
I thirst for you as a parched land in drought
I am not worthy of your mercy
Still I beg for you to shower me with blessings of love, hope and forgiveness
Do not condemn my sins, but restore me to life so I may learn your ways
Teach me to drink of your waters and seek you in the mysteries of the Holy Word
Let me Glorify You in the majesty of your creation
I am destitute and unholy - cleanse my soul and loosen me from debts
Fill me with abundance so I may find your grace in love
Give me blessings of your fruit so I can be fed with Your Truth
Holy Spirit do not forsake me, in the Divine Mercy of Christ's wounds
Resurrect my soul and kill the sins of the flesh
Heal me, change me, purify me and grant me hope
Fill my cup and heal my soul
Shower me with love and I shall Shout YOUR GLORY to the highest heavens and the ends of the earth.
Praise be to YOU God of all Creation for hearing my prayer
May I receive Your mercy and find peace eternal
May the broken back of my labor woes be lifted so I can serve you and not the world
Praise be to God
Father, in Your Glory, Christ in Your Mercy, Spirit in Your Truth

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