We beseech the to move throughout the world, sowing the seeds of peace
Through the Divine Mercy of Love, Hope, Charity and Redemption
Call all the nations into your flock to repent and seek peace in their hearts and sow peace in their communities through active love.
Our Father help stop the violence in all war torn countries and compel all humanity to be guided not by the dagger of hate follow the compass of love, which heals all wounds and binds us together in a community of Christ. I pray for all peoples that they may know your love and justice.
God you alone are Holy, Mighty and Immortal - You alone are God. Help human hearts hardened by the need of the ego and desperation for power to be humbled. For you are a God of Salvation and hope who came down to the earth as the Word Incarnate and spreads your Spirit with a kindling sustaining wildfire - You judge righteously and do not horde your power - yet are glorified by your manifold works.
The powers of the world cling to the flesh - they have hate in their hearts and see themselves as gods, yet you alone are God - help world leaders to see that they are servants of YOU, the Divine King and act with righteousness and peace. Confound the greedy and despotic who seek control over other human life and your creation. Instead raise up leaders that do your will and walk in love and compassion of service and justice, peace and mercy, social justice and a moral compass to fight the good fight and to serve you and all of your creation with a humble heart - bold in action. What right does man have to play God, when God Himself gives us free will and opened the doors through salvation on the cross. Praise God, the ruler who upsets the plans of the wicked. Give us peace in all the nations of the earth.

I pray that all persecuted persons are given strength and release. I pray that all who commit the sins of war fall down and repent and their plans thwarted. I pray that the heavenly choir of angels under the protection of St. Michael and the sacred blood of Christ on the cross pierces the darkest abyss of all the corners of the earth and the battle of GOOD through Christ is won - both in the hearts of sinners and in the wars and tribulations we face in the world.
Thank you God for having mercy on us through Christ. Thank you Holy Spirit for teaching us the way to peace. I pray for peace for the whole world
God of mercy, Christ our Savior, Holy Spirit who moves like a sustaining fire of peace and justice:
Have mercy on us. Help persecuted Christians and all persecuted peoples, strengthen their hearts and keep their souls in your eternal rest. Help the desperate to call on you and be fed with YOUR Spirit. I pray for all the nations of the world. I pray for victims of disasters, wars, oppression, violence and all the work of the enemy.
God our Father grant us peace
Christ our Redeemer grant us peace and mercy
Holy Spirit ignite our hearts afresh to be instruments of peace, righteousness and justice in this world.
St. Michael defend us by the command of Christ
May heaven pierce the darkness of evil in this realm with a sword of God's divine light.
Glory be to God the Father, Glory be to God the Son, Glory be to the Holy Spirit who lives and reigns now and forever as rulers of peace, justice and righteousness

Adelee very powerful and emotional.. loved the prayer