It is in our wilderness flight we are pulled in a tug of war - warring against ourselves, aching towards proverbial Egypt - the comfort of the world - and yearning for the spiritual hope of the promised land. The Promised Land is more spiritual in nature than a physical place in our modern day sojourn as we work to live in the world while building God's kingdom on earth. Earth is already God's - He created the heavens, earth and the universe's infinite beauty and mystery. Still we break our backs desperate for the material control of things that have never belonged to only to human hands - We want to sculpt our lives without consulting God until the rope has run out and we realize we are so utterly lost in ourselves there seems no where to turn.
Where are you God?
I had a minister who said 'I know God exists because when you look at the infancy of a child, the miracle of birth and life and the trust and love within there is God in creative action.'
In my own recent trials as I move forward towards career goals and the anxiety of financial worry - I have been drawn to contemplate the innocence and power of Christ's infancy. So often we question God's grace - yet God carved out HIS very being to become the Incarnate Word in Christ through human flesh - Christ in His infancy was so weak and dependent on the world. In Christ's infancy the tables are turned, God who has always cared for the world put Himself through Jesus into our hands. In the infancy of Jesus we see a God completely dependent on human hands to feed him, love and care for him.
What greater joy can we find in the true purpose of God's hope in relationship that witnessing the infancy of Jesus and His bond particularly with Mary and Joseph. The infancy of Jesus - God putting himself into human hands in the form of the most fragile and most wondrous miracle in humanity - is a manifestation of God's desire for communion and relationship with us. God does not need our love, we on the other hand need HIS love...yet God desires our love more than anything - because God is love itself.
In meditating on God placing the Infant Jesus, His infant self, in the hands of the world for protection where He is born in a stable, hunted down and force to flee to Egypt before returning home - makes it look as if God is weak - at least in the eyes of the agnostic - yet God's greatest strength in human hands comes in weakness. Jesus relied on his family on earth to protect him - even though the road was tortuous - Jesus trusted and grace after grace appeared protecting the child.
How many times do we complain about obstacles or mazes - I am beginning to realize some obstacles and labyrinths are simply the right detours or road blocks to allow us to draw closer in faith and also to avoid a situation. Often times the worst situations we fall prey at first appear to be diamond jewels. I think about my goals of being in the music industry. While I still have regrets - I now see the grace of God intervening to prevent me from getting involved in dangerous situations - even though they appeared to be the 'jackpot' Jesus trusted, Jesus loved.
That is why I loved the Infant Jesus Novena. In the next few blogs I will detail the history of the Infant Jesus of Prague and the devotion to the Infant Jesus.
What is a Novena?: A Novena is a nine-day prayer cycle drawing us in closer to God's grace through petition and thanksgiving. A novena is a powerful method to contemplate God's work and the life of Jesus while also working towards a deeper spiritual life.
The Infant Jesus Novena is nicknamed the Storm Novena because of its powerful intercessory help through Christ.
The Infant Jesus of Prague Novena recently yielded me a wonderful miracle from Christ - allowing me help to alleviate some financial worry and more importantly - Christ's advocacy in untying spiritual knots.
The great gift of this particularly novena, which is a direct invoking of scripture - is it's reminder of Jesus's promises and our need for active faith even when it seems darkness has won the war in our lives.
This novena reminds me that Jesus was in His weakest and most vulnerable state as a baby - a baby marked by Herod, a baby who had to flee with his parents to Egypt, a baby when presented at the Temple was told 'he would be the rise and fall of many in Israel**' (paraphrased from Luke) - Jesus can understand our urgent requests and help nurture our fears because Jesus too was a baby lost in His mother's arms - completely dependent on HIS father and the Blessed Mother. Jesus understands our needs and in contemplating His infancy we are reminded that we too are completely dependent on God for all of our needs.
We need to come to Christ as children, completely dependent on HIS mercy...honoring our Heavenly Father for the bounty of creation, our preservation and our life. Our Father will not forsake you - even in trial - God is every present for we are HIS children.
I will be writing a series of blogs on the Infancy of Jesus in gratitude for Jesus's grace in answering my prayer and the hope of continued help. I have learned to turn over my need for control in this process to God and in doing so I am finding the joy of childlike abandonment in the Father's love.
Novena to the Infant Jesus of Prague in Urgent Need(To be said for nine days or nine consecutive hours)
O Jesus, Who said, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock
and it shall be opened to you," through the intercession of Mary, Your most holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be answered. (Mention your request)
and it shall be opened to you," through the intercession of Mary, Your most holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be answered. (Mention your request)
Jesus, Who said, "All that you ask of the Father in My Name He will
grant you," through the intercession of Mary, Your most holy Mother, I
humbly and urgently ask Your Father in Your Name that my prayer be
granted. (Mention your request.)
Jesus, Who said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My word shall
not pass," through the intercession of Mary, Your most holy Mother, I
feel confident that my prayer will be granted. (Mention your request)

The Infant Jesus of Prague is venerated in the Catholic Church as an icon. An icon is different than an idol as an icon is merely a remembrance to help venerate the life of a saint and/or life of Christ. The prayer to the Infant Jesus of Prague is not a prayer to the statue - but to the Spirit of Christ in commemoration of the statue's miraculous background...the miracles of this statue are not to be worshiped - the worship is of Christ who heals all wounds and answers prayers.
Prayer I wrote to Infant Jesus
Infant Jesus be my prayer, be my guide, light the footpath to your mercy
Guide me to your holy home - I ask you to enter my heart and embolden it with childlike confidence in your spirit. I trust in your miracles of love and mercy and I ask that I too may be a miracle of mercy for other souls in this life, especially those wandering - searching for a new life, a new life we can find in the infancy of your holy birth and childhood. Praise be to Christ, for what greater gift is it than for all the power in the universe to humble Himself to be made man and enter into communion with us. Infant Jesus be my guide.
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