I prayed to God to help heal my soul from that pain and doubt. I'm a work in progress. Jesus even had moments of fear and doubt - he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane that the burden of crucifixion be lifted from him, still HE submitted himself to the Father's will. On the cross, Christ asked Our Father 'why have you forsaken me.' Taking on the darkness of the world and purifying in through killing of the flesh, was a hard trial even for the Son of God, yet God revealed his Glory in wonder and ETERNAL LOVE. God does not want us to suffer, HE calls us to live an abundant life in FAITH. However in our fallen world, where sin and darkness is at odds with God's will, we are in a battle at times. Suffering doesn't come from God. When we suffer God gives us the tools spiritually and physically to triumph over suffering. Sometimes believing is an impossible task, especially when we look at the evil of ISIS - killing Christians, the Nazi's extermination of the Jews - how could God let that happen. The world has evil, it is part of the human condition - yet fighting evil with fear will only allow evil and darkness vanquish our life. For every martyr lost in suffering, God lifts them up in HIS arms and restores them in heaven.
On the other side - we cannot look at life from the narrow gaze that it is only about suffering and we must suffer because Christ and saints suffered. If suffering comes to us we are called in faith to trust God, but in truth and light - God wants his KINGDOM to reign on earth in love. God doesn't want us to suffer - he wants us to turn to him and trust in HIM. God knows suffering and the poor are with us, so he calls us as servants to do HIS will on this earthly plane. We can have all the wealth in the world, but if we do not sow with seeds of generosity and faith helping others in their time of need and standing up against the evil in the world - as beacons of light - then we are suffering from a lack of communion with God - just in a different way.
Life is about lessons. Life is about growing closer in our relationship with Christ. Don't think for a second that God doesn't want you to have a happy life and life on earth is about suffering until the bitter end. God-Jesus-Holy Spirit want us to live JOYFULLY and find peace in HIS SPIRIT, sow seeds of peace and love and do HIS will on earth. God knows are needs and wants and will provide if we let him, it is a long bridge over turbulent waters in the angst of a human soul to cross from doubt into faith. If you straddle the middle of the swinging bridge you will be straddled over troubled waters. God is ready to help. When we receive God's help we must let him into our hearts in love. We must also be willing to accept the provision on HIS terms and trust HIS will is the right path.
Have you ever looked back on a trial in your life, maybe you didn't get a job or you lost someone in a relationship - you prayed and prayed about it with deaf ears - God heard your cry - if he did not answer your prayer exactly by your terms - he has a better way - ask HIM to show you the way.

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