(30:1-10) "The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD: "Thus says he LORD, the God of Israel: 'Write in a book all the words that I have spoken to you. For behold, days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will restore the fortunes of my people, Israel and Judah, says the LORD, and I will bring them back to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall take possession of it."....(8)And it shall come to pass in that day, declares the LORD of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off your neck, and I will burst your bonds, and foreigners shall no more make a servant of him....(10) Then fear not, O Jacob my servant declared the LORD, nor be dismayed, O Israel; for behold I will save you from far away..."
Reading these two chapters of Jeremiah in the midst of Lent as we approach Palm Sunday we straddle the paradox of hope and doubt; comfort and the forsaken path of desolation. Faith is not an easy road. Even those closest to Jesus struggled to believe at times - even his own family doubted him. Jesus understands our fears, doubts and he faced the feeling of loss - he understands the pain of being forsaken, betrayed and mocked. So when we bring our concerns to Jesus he understands, he's walked a lonely road while also experienced the crowd buzz of 'fame' as people followed him in search of miracles - not perceiving the truth miracle was his life in the Father and salvation.
Jesus understands the role of humanity in a fractured world. He wants us to be happy on earth and to live abundantly, but when you die to sins and are made Alive with Christ (Colossians 2:13) you shed your own ways not out of obligation because the veil has been torn - when you are in the presence of Jesus - the Holy Spirit you want to live as he did - enjoying the many blessings of God's provision, actively helping those in need, healing out of love and compassion - not for self-gain - all glory to God is your path because you are drawn to SERVICE.
As Christians we live in uncertain times. The world seems to be a wreck. The killings and murders in Syria - the persecution of Christians and all faiths that stand as a testament to peace and grace - are facing dark days with the threat of ISIS and Boko Haram. What makes this such a horrid tragedy is the apostasy of saying this killing and hate is for God. God is love...God so loved the world HE gave HIS only SON to die for us to forgive us from sin. Mercy. Peace. Hope are seeds we desperately want to sow, but the land is parched and death and despair surround us.
We can easily cry out 'Why God' -Why this suffering. A few prominent religious leaders have turned their backs on God because they cannot find truth in a God that allows such suffering. I think that is a tragedy because God is full of light and has provided such wonders in the world.
Humanity has free will and on this plain it is a battlefield - just because evil seems to be winning DON'T think for a second that God and all the company of heaven aren't there.
We are called as Christians and Jews are called to be A Light to the Nations. Being a light means standing as a guiding beacon - it means penetrating the darkness - even if you cannot rid the world of its shadow. Light is so strong that even a particle of light pierces the hold of dark space.
In being called to be a light to the nations - we must serve, we must be willing to love, we must be ready to show active compassion - to volunteer, to love our neighbors as ourselves. Jesus was a carpenter and wants us to build a sure foundation with God in our lives - that doesn't mean we cannot pursue our talents and if you like to shop that you should deprive yourself of things you enjoy in life, but when you put things above people and material over the eternal spiritual nature of God's grace, the love and sacrifice of Christ, our advocate, and the light of the Holy Spirit - you will be lost - It is easy to want to cling to the things we can see - what we can touch - God's life lesson is about spiritual sight and trusting in his WORD, and valuing the light in our souls.
If you write down all the things you are grateful in life, even simple things like enjoying a nice meal, or owning a car, seeing a flowering tree - you realize God is at work and it is our duty to hear his call to go out into the world as light - to illumine the darkness.
We are not just supposed to idly wait for salvation in heaven. The kingdom has come and is coming. Christ came to save us, but also to remind us that life is a beautiful gift and it is our duty to honor him in Living and helping to ensure everyone is shown love, compassion and grace as Christ showed us.
Christ says that the only person who will not be saved is the one who blasphemes the Holy Spirit. The reason for this is because - while Christ would forgive the person if they asked - a person who blasphemes the Holy Spirit has extinguished the light in their soul - relying fully on the world - hate, evil, anger - instead of the eternal love, grace and power of the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus and God the Father. http://biblehub.com/mark/3-29.htm - Mark 3:29
Part of not blaspheming the Holy Spirit is always confessing our sins known and unknown to us - we forget that the Spirit of GOD dwells in us and we must be a holy dwelling. Pray for forgiveness and cleanse your hearts.
Honoring Jesus means living a life you love, but do it with Christ as your priority - If you seek the kingdom of God first - everything else will be provided. When we find solace in the Trinity - we often learn that the things we thought we wanted were just cracked facades - our foundation is sure in Christ.
The verses from Jeremiah talk about exile and punishment, but more importantly they remind us that the world is temporal - fighting and wars happen, suffering happens - we can heal it through pursuing the eternal love of God. While you may only be a remnant - a small flash of light in the darkest of evil nights - goodness is eternal - God restores life.
Jeremiah 31: "At that time, declares the Lord, 'I will be the God of all the clans of Israel, and they shall be my people." Thus says the Lord; The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness; when Israel sought for rest, the Lord appeared to him from fr away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. Again I will build you and you shall be built." - The Lord wipes our tears, he gives us water out of drought, he brings sun in the shadows - The Lord will turn mourning into joy.

Wait on the Lord - be confident even in the trials of life that HE is with you. Even when you cannot see God at work - he is working behind the scenes and front and center in our lives. God often uses people as instruments of change in the world - we are called to service.
Prayer I wrote to turn to the Holy Spirit - when you are confused - pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance - trust the spirit of God
Dear Holy Spirit, through Christ and God the Father, bless me and keep me. Protect my weary heart and guide my soul as a compass of truth to always know the path that the Father commands me. May I sow pureness and light, goodness and mercy, hope and peace, love and compassion. Awaken me to Truth and the ways of Justice. Help me to be an advocate for the oppressed, while knowing how to forgive my transgressors, while admitting my own sins. Don't let me fail in being grateful for ordinary and extraordinary blessings. Refine me in hardship, so I can find stillness in a rough current. Teach me to be selfless. Help me to honor my strengths and give in service to Christ. Help me discern the will of the LORD and be willing to trust in HIS timing. I know as long as you keep me under the light of the eternal flame of your spirit I will be sustained through Christ Jesus. Help me in all manner of life and never leave me Holy Spirit.
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