When I was eighteen I was in a horrible car accident - I survived by a miracle - I know God intervened - my recovery still hurt and I have to deal with certain pain the rest of my life, but I began to see spirit and resiliency in that struggle - God did not will it on be - but it happened and he helped heal me. I also have come out of trauma of abandonment by a parent (my father) and abuse - and there is a psychological biological battle we face in dealing with emotional and physical pain - part of that is the scientific and spiritual make-up of the world - we cannot say 'hey God why did you not prevent by broken leg...' - why...why...why doesn't have a satisfying answer until you get to the heart of God's purpose in our lives on earth - yes he wants to bless us with good lives and every day has blessings, but we also remember the focus of God is spirit over flesh - Jesus in healing a paralytic first said 'your sins are forgiven' - that seems like little consolation when you cannot walk - but sin paralyzes us - not just from the divine order of God, but in practical terms. When we sin we lose touch with ourselves and others - how deep is a cut when someone sins against you.
We first take on the brunt of the pain and suffering and endure it like whiplash - trying to survive - it is some time after the injury we begin to truly navigate the painful effects and debilitating hurt of suffering - it is then we must choose to forgive - processing through those emotions is tedious but necessary - there comes a time though when we stop processing and we keep ruminating - circling the drain and relapsing into own hurt and picking at the scab - sometimes we bury the shards of hurt so deep we cannot even see the internal bleeding of pain - we learn to ignore it - that is not healthy either - pain signals an unhealthy habit or event in your life - until your recognize it and confront it you a) cannot heal b)if the 'issue' is incurable then you will be prevented from resting in the pain - able to overcome it.
I am learning to let go of anxiety and give it to God through the grace of Christ. Part of this requires untying the knots and cords of anxiety - guilt and fear - there comes a point when we have to say: 'do we want to be healed?' Jesus asked this question in scripture and it makes a valid point - until we genuinely want healing of the spirit then Jesus cannot fully work in our lives - it is like a handyman ready to fix your appliance but has no key - we have to give Christ the key to our hearts and rewire our mind to think positive thoughts - not skewed false hope, but the promise that even in trial there is light and God stands as a guide.

Why doesn't God just sweep in and storm our lives - he wants us to learn - one to rely on HIM and also to rely on ourselves through the grace of wisdom and discernment he gives us. Sometimes learning is painful - sometimes the things we think we want are destructive and sometimes we cannot accept greater blessings until we recognize the blessings before us.
God wants us to depend on HIM but we must also learn to be ready to change ourselves through HIM and when we do that somehow suffering can be met with the peace of joy - the recognition in beauty out of the ashes.
The Israelites complained of wandering in the desert - yet God provided - how often has God provided us when we don't even acknowledge the blessings because we get so wired on the negative.
Yes there are negative things that happen in our lives - and you have to acknowledge the issues at hand - but not from a raw emotion charged perspective but with a peaceful discerning heart and analytical mind. It is like panicking in sinking sand, you need to stay calm - staying calm doesn't mean you discount the reality of the situation - but you take proactive measures to survive and to not allow the pain to steal your joy.
Stealing your joy - this is the work of the serpent - God only wants us to find joy - because there is always joy in the love of Christ. Joy is different than maudlin hope - joy is deep like the ocean - it sees perspective and the macro-picture.
I know I complain in difficult times neglecting all the simple gifts that helped me through - like a discount at a restaurant that helped me afford to buy a meal in a budget crunch - or the $2.00 in change that paid for gas to work until pay day - I find blessings all around me when I take time to look and when we approach life with joy we find that life even in suffering is a gift and that is the beauty of joy even in the ashes of pain.
I am going to focus the next series on JOY - JOY I'm learning is something we have to desire to accept - abuse left me with cognitive distortion about myself (self-esteem, self-worth, grace) that it takes learning to accept healing and joy to come out of trauma. Joy is essential for healing. Do you want to be healed?
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