I think Jesus's sacrifice is all the more powerful because it transpires in a way that speaks to the fallen nature of humanity - in ways that we all can comprehend. Just watch the evening news - you hear stories of betrayal and many times people are persecuted or killed for their beliefs. God reminds us of a powerful lesson in the crucifixion of HIS son, that we are called to reign with compassion and mercy through Christ. God is full of grace - even in harsh judgment HIS light shines through.
People in the world in every city, town and country are facing trials of adversity, prejudice, hate, despair - every day innocent people are victimized and left in despair.
Jesus's death as an innocent not only sheds us from our sins, but it is a call for justice in the world and to remind those who suffer or have faced hardship that he knows your suffering and consoles you. God remembers the tears and cries of the persecuted and gave up HIS only son - to forgive us of sin and to also remind us as a living testimony that we are charged to actively work for the kingdom of heaven in earth - through love, active compassion, tithing, petitioning against injustice and supporting the weak.
While we have the habit of getting into political squabbles, corporate takeovers, petty disputes and one upping each other - Christ's resurrection reminds us that no earthly gain is worth crushing the back of another to get ahead. We need to remember that Christ suffered for us and in remember those around us who are suffering - particularly the innocent - victims of war, rape, hunger...
Christ's sacrifice on the cross is a living testament of the greatest empathy and act of love the world has ever known.
I also contemplate Mother Mary and John, both stood at the cross while the other disciples scattered - yet Christ did not hold them in contempt. Think of the pain Mary felt to see her son, the boy she raised, die in injustice - Mary knew Jesus to be the Son of God, but she also loved him in full humanity as a son.
Where will we be on Good Friday - in the hours of death to resurrection? Will we hide in fear or stand in faith with Christ.
Praise be to Christ that in the darkest times in history there is light!
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