Psalm 16:8-11
8 I have set the LORD always before me; *because he is at my right hand I shall not fall.
9 My heart, therefore, is glad, and my spirit rejoices; *
my body also shall rest in hope.
10 For you will not abandon me to the grave, *
nor let your holy one see the Pit.
11 You will show me the path of life; *
in your presence there is fullness of joy, and in your right hand are pleasures for evermore.

On Easter Sunday we joyfully proclaim the RISEN LORD, Jesus Christ with jubilation. We shout the testament of faith and thanksgiving for the grace of salvation - our hearts and minds are full of peace set fully on accepting Jesus as our savior, redeemer and life source.
As we go back to work on Monday it is easy to get tangled in fear once again, though our hearts beat for Christ we find fear in uncertainty and are less inclined to faith as the chaos of life's uncertainties leads to doubt. 'How will I pay my bills?' 'How will I feed my family?' 'Why can't I have a bigger house...' 'Why am I stuck in this dead end job' - we all have fears rooted in real problems. The problem is instead of turning to God and the problem-solving abilities HE gives us we rely on worry, doubt and hopeless anxiety. You circle the drain, ruminating in negativity.
I worry about money all the times. This goes back to psychological factors from when I was a child and an adult - I was taught to focus on lack and fear - I felt like it was my duty to suffer poverty - because I was being punished - so how could I ask God for help? I would struggle working fifty-eighty hours a week putting my heart and soul into a project until I got physically exhausted. I then found my normally patient heart filled with bitterness...anger at those who hurt me and degraded me...I let fear and pain trap me
All the while I maintained a close relationship with God, praying steadfastly and reading HIS WORD but I gave up on God helping me with 'worldly' manners like getting a job where my talents could be utilized and to do something I loved. I trusted his salvation and love and protection, but I got to the point at the end of a twenty year cycle of pain and regret and suffering. I finally gave up expecting God to care for the day to day - especially about money - when it comes to me and money I never wanted wealth just security - free from round the clock worry - even when I'm low on cash I always try to give up a little to help others in need - so my real problems with income, due to no fault of my own (I had money stolen from me) don't have to do with greed - yet fear controlled me. I din't trust that God would provide for the next meal. In fact I thought God would chastise me for asking for help with getting more money - I did not want to be selfish.
I bring up this point because I have learned that God always wants us to pray to him. If we have a problem HE is a God of solutions - sometimes we might not like the path he lays out for us - it may seem like a wayward wandering road, but God makes winding roads straight through Christ.
While the greatest gift of Easter is grace and the gift of love and resurrection in the life to come, heaving and eternal life is something that we must always remember in the midst of trial and shadows of doubt, don't let a temporary traffic jam keep you from God's wide open highway.
The lesson I am also learning and want to share is that the KINGDOM starts right NOW - while I've always found glory in the call to serve God and to bring the kingdom to earth through service - particularly in helping the oppressed - I am also realizing that the concept of the overflowing cup of the kingdom - the kingdom has come and is coming means that God through Christ has forgiven our pasts if we come to HIM and wants us to live in love and light - part of that love means readily letting Christ wash us free of our guilt - if you're like me you live in the past of regrets far too much - let Christ transform your soul, your life and accept his blessings - be opened to God's answers to your prayers - his road is always the sure path. Jesus said 'I AM the WAY, and the TRUTH and the LIFE.' When we turn our worries over to God we think clearly and we are able to problem solve and also are receptive to the abundance he gives us daily. Miracles happen from prayer. Prayers are answered.
Pray without ceasing, love with an open heart and always be grateful - gratitude and prayer are the beacons that light a dark tortuous path so we may keep our feet secure in the foundations of God's HOPE and SALVATION
Our relationship with God means we set our eyes first on Christ - don't forget in the chaos of the world that he cares about us in ever minute detail of life. Cast your anxieties on HIM because Christ loves you. If you start to doubt pray Psalm 16 - knowing Christ is always with YOU - what greater lover is there?

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