Sunday, May 10, 2015

Prayer of Praise and Hope

Thank you Jesus for your SPIRIT of love
Thank you Jesus for healing the wounds of the broken hearted
Thank you Jesus for walking beside us through the fire of trial
Thank you for refining us to be purified in your LOVE, Truth and Redemption
Thank you Jesus in testing to build our character as a fortress of your grace, not of bitterness
Thank you Jesus for bearing our sins and wiping our eyes when we cry tears of agony
For you know what it feels like to be betrayed, lost, forgotten and alone
Thank you Jesus that in YOUR time of persecution and crisis you did not lean on doubt
Thank you Jesus for having FAITH in YOUR FATHER, GOD
And offering yourself as a perfect sacrifice for the remission of sins, a living hope and a beacon of trust
So that we know you are our redeemer
Thank God our REDEEMER Lives
Thank YOU Christ for teaching us to love our neighbors with a pure and sincere heart and actively pursuing the sustaining fire of love over the destructive fire of hate that divides and corrupts, corrodes and demeans – your love brings us together in hope and truth – a power of mercy and grace, justice and peace.
Let the beacon of Christ’s light guide us in the darkest nights of the soul
Thank you Jesus for teaching us to forgive, so that we may find the grace of forgiveness in your sacred heart
Ignite a passion in our souls to pursue social justice, to heal the afflicted, mend the broken through YOUR example of compassion
Thank YOU Jesus that we can stand before you as friends, rather than slaves to the law.  In this friendship we find the beauty of the law – working to serve your GLORY, yet living in the trust that in our imperfect hearts we are perfected in YOU. 
Thanks be God, Christ and the Holy Spirit for guiding us the ways of righteousness – even when the road is rocky you guide us to safety – and if the world’s persecutes the flesh, you have protected our soul for eternity.
Thanks be to the Holy Trinity
Thanks be to the Holy Trinity for the Living Waters
Let any you thirst drink your the cup of salvation and be fed with your spiritual food
Thank you Jesus for promising that all of our sustaining needs will be met, food and water, housing and clothing.
Greed tries to steal our comfort, and worry powers fear
Jesus take away our worry – LET OUR Hearts not be Troubled, may they find rest in you
Help us to love our neighbor – breaking bread with sinners so they might now the goodness of the Lord, helping the oppressed, guiding the weak and standing up for the widow, orphan, the broken…help us to guide the lost back home to YOU

Thank YOU JESUS for OUR daily bread, for the bread of your everlasting covenant and the healing waters of your cup that cleanse our soul.  Thank you for becoming a sacrifice so that we may be free – Thank you JESUS – Our Living Hope, our Life and our SALVATION
Jesus without you I am nothing.  My bones are weak and fractured, my muscles ache, my heart is confused and my mind is trouble.  The flesh tempts me to succumb to the world…YOUR Holy Name, The Holy Spirit and God our Father ignite a unquenchable sustaining fire to sow LOVE in the world – so that darkness will be overtaken by the pure true light of your covenant – Grant me the courage to set aside Fear to follow YOU and to TRUST in Your Holy Name and to love my neighbor as you love me.

Help us to have the courage to renounce the evil of the flesh.  Grant us the power to have active compassion on the sick, weak, hungry, lost sheep, those who are affected by war, famine, grief and all tribulations.  In our blessings, for you own everything and it is by grace we receive, grant us the purity of heart to love our neighbor and serve the least.  

Thank you Christ for crowning yourself with the sorrows of the world so we may be set free.  You are a perfect king who serves his dominion with peace and love.

Christ help us to work to heal the planet and be grateful for your creation and work to protect it.  Thank you for ecology and our wilderness - may we use resources for the highest good, not short term greed.

Thank YOU CHRIST for transforming our hearts and our souls and leading us as sheep so that we can love and serve you and work to sow love in a broken world.  For only Love heals all wounds.  Only in your safety and shelter will we find eternal refuge. 

Renew us in your LIVING Waters, may the Holy Spirit renewal our baptismal covenant to follow the LOVE of Christ so our paths will be straight even in the chaos of the world.  We must walk through the darkness - but never without the light of the SPIRIT who abides in our hearts - whispering in the strength of the wind - O Jesus Christ - the light of the nations and Glory of Israel, go out into the world in peace and sow HIS seeds of LOVE

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