Thursday, May 14, 2015

Prayer of Thanksgiving

God my Father, you have adopted me as your heir through Christ and the Grace of your perfect love.  Nothing can compare to your love.  Your love is greater than the universe, for your love formed the galaxies and all that is within the manifold depths of creation.  The wonders of YOUR creation were formed by just a breath.  You command 'let it be' and it is done.

 The Grand Canyon is a symphony resounding in the colors of your creation, you give life to the barren lands and fill empty hearts with your divine love.  No one comes to you is left empty - you fill the night with millions of stars - you are the true north who guides our steps and always keeps watch over our soul.  You preserve our soul and cleanse our sins with the blood of salvation and healing waters of your grace.  You do not forget the oppressed nor take away the hope of those in desolation - while nations fight you build a kingdom of love. 

Call me to your service so I can serve you as your service to humanity and all of creation is more than we could ever deserve.  What can our lips speak to glorify you - yet still you desire our love - you have mercy on us and want relationship with your children.  You formed us in the womb and in the weaknesses of the flesh you bind our wounds.  I praise you God for building my character in trial and loving me tenderly as a child and granting me courage and perseverance, compassion and faith to accept your grace.  I thank you for your love, it is the root of all good things.  Thank you for blessings - your blessings pump life into every heartbeat and give our soul immortality - even though we deserve to die as the weeds in a fire.  You give us instead a fire of sustaining spirit - a Holy Spirit - a lover who heals the soul.  You pour so many blessings we could write millions of books, words and songs and it would not come close to blessing you with gratitude.  So I bow down before you, I humbly call you friend, my God and my FATHER and ask you to stay with me, to infuse me with your grace, to fill me with you love - I praise you, I love you and I need you always.  Thanks be to God, our creator, author of salvation through Christ and the infinite possibilities of hope.

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